man washing hands at running faucet

As a heating and air company, LEGACY has the honor to be an essential business during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this honor, comes the responsibility of keeping our clients and staff members safe and ensuring that we don’t spread the virus. The nature of our business means that we must come to your home, and in most cases, we must come inside your home.

During these visits, we want to keep you and your family safe along with our technicians. In Las Vegas, summers are notoriously hot, even sweltering. The only upside is that it’s a dry heat, and we have air conditioning. If you need maintenance and tune-up before summer arrives, we can help. During the summer months, our technicians are ready to help with repairs and replacements to keep your air conditioner working properly.

Here are some steps, we’ve put in place this summer to keep your family and our staff safe.

1. Paperless Billing

In the past, we’d present you with a quote, you’d sign it, and we’d start work. The quote was either on paper or an iPad. However, both of these mediums will spread germs between you and our staff members. For this reason, we’ve moved to a paperless billing and invoicing system. You can now utilize an e-signature program to capture your approval of the estimate and work order from your laptop or personal tablet.

2. Masks

At LEGACY, we know that there’s a lot of back and forth on the idea of wearing masks, but we’ve decided it’s essential to add this layer of protection for our customers and our staff. During their visit to your home, our technicians will always have a mask on. This includes times when they’re working alone and not interacting directly with you or other family members. LEGACY provides its staff and technicians with masks for visits to customer’s homes.

3. Gloves

As an additional layer of protection from the spread of germs, our technicians will wear gloves when they touch something in your home from the thermostat to the air conditioning unit. These gloves ensure that the technician doesn’t leave germs behind in your home, and it also ensures that our staff doesn’t leave with new germs. Each time we enter a new home, our technicians put on a fresh pair of gloves so that they aren’t transferring germs from one home to the next. This helps to keep you and our staff safe.

4. New Procedures for Disposing of Air Filters

The air filter in your air conditioner catches all the dirt, debris, and germs in your air before cooling it and returning it to your home. This makes it an especially dangerous item to pass germs to our technicians. For the foreseeable future, our technicians will remove the air filter and place it directly into a trash bag to remove it from the home with a lower chance of spreading germs.

5. Zoom Meetings

We often need to hold meetings with our staff members. Sometimes, these meetings are with individuals, and at other times, the meetings are attended by our entire staff. Instead of risking so many people meeting in one location, we have switched to Zoom meetings. Zoom allows us to meet with our employees from wherever we’re at. We can have a meeting about your air conditioner while the technician sits in his truck outside your home or from the comforts of his own home.

6. Parts Delivery

In the past, our technicians have come to the office or to a local warehouse to pick up parts needed for a repair. Of course, this exposes them to a variety of people, and not everyone is taking the same precautions that we are. We’ve decided to stop this practice. Moving forward, the parts needed for repairs and replacements will be delivered to the technician’s truck so that they only need to be around a single additional person.

7. Hand Sanitizer

Even though our technicians will be using gloves when they touch items in your home, we’ve made a bulk purchase of hand sanitizer from our uniform service. We’re going to make sure that each of our technicians has hand sanitizer on hand on their trucks. We’re encouraging our staff to use hand sanitizer frequently. Also, our technicians will slather their hands with it before and after entering your home to kill any active germs.

8. Washing Hands

The importance of washing your hands has never been center stage until now. At LEGACY, we’ve created a new rule for our technicians and others who meet with the public. Our technicians must thoroughly wash their hands with hot, soapy water before and after each home visit or interaction with a client. We hope that this will help lessen the spread of germs and keep you and our technicians safe and healthy.

9. Paid Sick Leave

We’ve put a new policy in place that if any of our employees become sick or show symptoms, they are to stay at home, and we’ll pay their normal pay. This keeps our staff from trying to tough it out so that they earn their paycheck. It also ensures that someone who is sick doesn’t spread it to other staff members. While none of our employees have tested positive, we’ll pay up to two quarantine if they do.

10. Air Scrubbers

To improve our air quality and halt the spread of germs, we’ve installed air scrubbers on both the first and second floors of our building. This is to ensure the health and safety of our staff and any visitors to our offices. Air scrubbers catch not only the dirt, debris, and allergens; they also catch germs and trap them.

At LEGACY, we take our responsibility to protect you and your family along with our staff seriously. When you have an issue with your air conditioner, you can call us with complete confidence that we won’t bring unwanted germs and contagion into your home. To learn more, contact our office.

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