

chef opening refrigerator door

Should You Invest In An Outdoor or Indoor Walk-In Cooler

Restaurants and other businesses that require a lot of cooling space almost always turn to custom walk-in coolers to handle the issue. Many different varieties of these coolers are on the market, though, and a lot of decisions are to be made. The first is to determine which of the two major types of cooler is best for your needs. These two types of cooler are indoor and outdoor models. Each offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and...

outdoor patio

Is Your Heating System Prepared for Fall?

Fall is officially upon us and that means the air is going to start to take on a chill. While this season is welcome by many people, it also means that winter is right around the corner and it’s time to make sure that your HVAC system is primed to do its job in the cold months of the year. You want to be sure that you’ve got the heat you need, when you need it, and avoid breakdowns...

yellow hard hat and air vent

Benefits Of Investing In Sheet Metal Fabrication

Your system’s ductwork is an essential component for delivering air from heating and cooling units into your home or workplace. Whether you need to manage the comfort level in a restaurant, production facility or home, it’s vital that you have ductwork that functions as it should. Every home is unique, which is why it should have its own HVAC duct design with sheet metal fabrication that maximizes efficiency and reduces costs. Find out the benefits of investing in sheet metal...

refrigerator section of grocery store

The Importance Of Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance

With all the responsibilities involved in running a business, commercial refrigeration maintenance isn’t high on the list of priorities. When there’s a problem, repairs, lost product and disruption to operations can put a serious dent in your bottom line. Fortunately, commercial refrigeration maintenance is usually quick and comparably inexpensive, and can help prevent breakdowns and repairs that could strike at the worst time. Learn more about preventative commercial refrigeration maintenance and how it can save you time and money in...

pink piggy bank on ac

Ways The Right Thermostat Can Improve Energy Efficiency

No matter what time of year it is, it always seems like your utility bills are too high. In the summer when the AC is constantly running you’re facing high electric bills. In the winter, it’s often the natural gas bill that takes it turn to run high. Wondering if there’s anything you can do to get those bills down, and reduce your carbon footprint there as well? There absolutely is. Learn how the right thermostat can vastly improve your...

dirty air filter

Getting The Most Out Of Your AC System, Follow These Steps

Summertime is upon us. That means it’s time to rely on the AC system for the summer months to make sure your house stays comfortable throughout the summer. One thing you shouldn’t do though is just turn on the AC system and go. There are a few steps to take to make certain that your AC system will work at full strength for the summer season. So what exactly are these steps? What should you do to protect your system...

indoor ac unit on blue wall with couch

Should I Use A Swamp Cooler And An Air Conditioner To Cool My House

When you live in a desert climate, keeping your home cool can be an uphill battle. Fortunately, in the quest to make your home as comfortable as possible, you have a lot of tools at your disposal, including air conditioners and swamp coolers. While both of these systems can help you control the temperature in your home, they function very differently, leading some homeowners to wonder if they can use both at the same time. Find out if you can...

energy efficient window

A Guide To Understanding Energy Efficient Window Labels

A common goal for modern homeowners is making sure that their house is as energy efficient as possible, and one of the common ways of achieving this goal is installing energy efficient windows. However, because energy efficient windows can come with several labels, it can be hard to know if you’re selecting the right option for your home. If you’re interested in boosting your home’s efficiency, it’s a good idea to learn more about these labels and what each one...

man installing filters in ac

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Delay Your Air Conditioning Tune Up

If you’re like most homeowners, you want to make sure that your equipment is in tip-top shape, and this includes your air conditioner. Your air conditioner is the machine that is most responsible for your family’s comfort. If you want to keep your A/C unit up and running, you need to be sure that you are scheduling annual tune-ups. For those that live busy lives, find the time to schedule an A/C tune-up can seem impossible. However, this is a...

calculator with bill

What Is Your Old AC Unit Really Costing You?

An AC unit really is a vital part of modern life. We count on our AC units to get us through the worst of the blistering summer. A good AC unit can last for 20 or more years. More often than not, the strategy of most homeowners is to run the unit until it dies and then replace it. LEGACY would like for you to take a minute and think about what keeping your old AC unit running is really...