

technician replacing filters in ac unit

Things To Be Aware Of When Considering R 22 Replacement Refrigerants

The best replacement for R-22 Freon is usually R-407c. It has a very low loss in capacity (0 – 5%) relative to R-22 and is less expensive than many other R-22 replacement refrigerants. If a system has R22 in it already you cannot use a replacement refrigerant to simply add to the R22. For one, R 22 is its own refrigerant whereas the replacement refrigerants are made up of several different kinds of refrigerants designed to mimic operating pressures/temperatures of...

ice on exterior ac unit

The Origins of Air Conditioning – The History of the Air Conditioner

Although Willis Haviland Carrier created the first version of the modern day air conditioner, methods of artificially creating cool air existed long before he was born. To keep cool ancient Egyptians would dangle reeds in their windows and had a system where water would drip down the reeds.  As the wind blew across the reeds the water would evaporated and create cool air. You might recognize that this is the same concept behind today’s swamp coolers. Ancient Rome had a system of...


Retrofitting A R-22 System With A Higher Efficiency R410A System

The big question for many homeowners about their HVAC system is whether or not you should choose to do this. I am going to try and convince you that one you decide to do this, the bigger issue is making sure it gets done right. Don’t think that we are the only ones facing these issues. Check out what the owner of “Cool Your Air” in Miami has to say to his customers by clicking HERE. From east coast to...