

How to Clean the Flame Sensor on a Furnace

The flame sensor is responsible for detecting the presence of a flame when your furnace is running, ensuring that gas flows only when it's supposed to. Without a clean and functional flame sensor, your furnace can suffer from a range of issues, from inefficient operation to potential safety hazards. Understanding the importance of this component and ensuring it is well-maintained is key to avoiding unexpected breakdowns and ensuring your furnace operates safely and efficiently throughout the winter. What is a...

home furnace with a residential gas, water, and heat

Furnace 101: How They Work & What Are Your Options?

When it's time to choose a new heating system, whether it is a new installation or a replacement for a current HVAC system, one of the best options is a furnace. With several types to choose from offering different fuel sources, understanding how furnaces work ensure the system you choose will fit your individual needs. What Are Furnaces? Furnaces are designed for a specific reason — to provide heat throughout a home. Furnaces are also referred to as forced-air furnaces because...

man working on plumbing

How Often Should You Have Your Heater Inspected?

The heater in your home is an essential part of both comfort and safety. Protecting the home from extreme cold temperatures in the winter months is something all homes should b equipped for. Of course, heaters are like any home appliance; they still need the occasional inspection and maintenance. Heaters need to be kept clean, internally and externally, and many types of heaters need to be monitored to ensure they remain safe inside the home. It's important for your heater...

hand adjusting a digital thermostat

5 Heating Mistakes That Are Costing You

Our coldest month is upon us, which means many of you are doing your due diligence to cut down on costs. After all, according to Energy Star, your heaters account for the largest part of your utility bill. But in your efforts to save, you may stumble upon misinformation that leads you astray. Has anyone told you that you can conserve energy by closing the doors to rooms that don’t need to be heated? Unfortunately, that’s wrong, along with a lot...

interior of furnace

6 Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace

Here in Las Vegas, we’re known for our bustling nightlife, top-notch entertainment, glamorous hotels, and our sweltering summers that reach the triple digits. The last thing you’re associating the city with is winter. But if you’ve been a resident long enough, you know that come December, the temperatures drop down low and a functioning heater is essential for staying warm. At LEGACY, your comfort is our top priority, and we’re focused on making sure you stay that way for the...


What To Do With A Dirty Flame Sensor

It can happen to just about anyone. Your furnace, which you count on to keep you warm in the coldest months of the year and on below-freezing nights, starts to rapidly cycle on and off. Perhaps, instead, it tries to kick on but doesn’t run for more than a few seconds before it suddenly clicks off, pilot and all. This can be a panic-inducing situation. After all, nobody looks forward to the thousands of dollars it can cost to...

furnace filter

5 Reasons For A Broken Or Under Performing Furnace

Like everything, problems with your furnace always seem to creep up when you need it most, like in the middle of a frigid day. Since heat has a significant impact on the comfort in your home, it’s important to identify and correct problems with your furnace quickly. Check out these five reasons for a broken or underperforming furnace so that you can quickly determine the proper steps to take to get your home comfy and cozy again. SIGNS OF A BROKEN...

outdoor patio

Is Your Heating System Prepared for Fall?

Fall is officially upon us and that means the air is going to start to take on a chill. While this season is welcome by many people, it also means that winter is right around the corner and it’s time to make sure that your HVAC system is primed to do its job in the cold months of the year. You want to be sure that you’ve got the heat you need, when you need it, and avoid breakdowns...

little boy warming up by fire

Are You Overworking Your Heating Unit?

During the winter months, you rely on the heating unit in your home to help you and your family stay warm. However, although you may not realize it, your quest for your comfort may be overworking your heater, and if you don’t give your heating unit a break, you may cause serious damage that results in expensive repairs. Learning about a few ways that your heating unit is being overworked can help make sure that you’re preserving your heater for...

hand adjusting digital thermostat

Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Heating System

Your heating system is essential to your overall comfort while in your home or office, which makes it essential to know when it’s time to invest in a new system rather than keep wasting money on repairs. While your system might be working perfectly fine now, LEGACY believes it doesn’t hurt to be able to recognize the signs you should start looking for a replacement to keep you and your family or employees comfortable. YOUR SYSTEM NEEDS FREQUENT REPAIRS If you’ve...