
Energy Saving

energy efficient window

A Guide To Understanding Energy Efficient Window Labels

A common goal for modern homeowners is making sure that their house is as energy efficient as possible, and one of the common ways of achieving this goal is installing energy efficient windows. However, because energy efficient windows can come with several labels, it can be hard to know if you’re selecting the right option for your home. If you’re interested in boosting your home’s efficiency, it’s a good idea to learn more about these labels and what each one...

calculator with bill

What Is Your Old AC Unit Really Costing You?

An AC unit really is a vital part of modern life. We count on our AC units to get us through the worst of the blistering summer. A good AC unit can last for 20 or more years. More often than not, the strategy of most homeowners is to run the unit until it dies and then replace it. LEGACY would like for you to take a minute and think about what keeping your old AC unit running is really...

inserting money is small piggy bank

How To Save Money On Heating In Las Vegas

If you’re like the majority of Las Vegas homeowners, you want to keep your heating bills as low as possible. While it rarely freezes in Las Vegas, it is necessary to turn on your heating unit in the late fall and winter, and when you do so, you want to be sure you’re not spending too much money. Fortunately, saving money on your heating bills can be very easy, particularly if you choose the right tips and tricks. Here are...

man sealing window

How To Keep Your Home Energy Efficient During The Cold Months

During the coldest months of the year, your heating and cooling system will be working overtime to help keep your home and family comfortable. In addition to putting strain on your system, this can also drastically increase your energy bills. However, just because the temperature has dropped doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you’ll pay higher energy costs, particularly if you take a few steps towards making your home more energy efficient. Here are a few winter home energy efficiency...