
Indoor Air Quality

man holding air filter in hand

Cheap vs Expensive Air Filters: Does Price Matter?

There are many factors to consider when purchasing an air filter, including price and quality. The benefits of a good quality air filter include removing dust from the air and preventing allergies, but there are also disadvantages such as higher costs. This article will explore cheap vs expensive air filters. You'll learn about the pros and cons of both so that you can make an informed decision. Why Do You Need an Air Filter? What Are the Benefits of Air Filters?  There...

gray living room sofa with cat

What is Air Balancing and Why is it Important for Your Home?

The architect or designer that drew the blueprints for your home did more than simply show the construction crews where to put walls, doors, and windows. There exists a page in the blueprint package of your home for the HVAC requirements. The way the internal ducts should be laid out, what size register should be put in each room, and other pertinent information regarding the recommended HVAC system for your home. On that page of the blueprints, each room...

cartoon woman with tissue sneezing

4 Ways Your HVAC Unit Can Alleviate Allergies

Allergies trigger when small agitating particles hit your airways. Maybe it's yellow pine pollen or sage brush that blows through once a year. Perhaps it's pet dander you're allergic to or mold spores in the air. Most of us notice that allergies are less problematic indoors, because there are fewer allergens. It's not just that the doors and windows keep out extra pollen. Staying indoors can alleviate your allergies because of how HVAC systems work. A well-maintained HVAC unit can...

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How Air Filters & Air Quality Products Effect Viruses like COVID-19

Below is a list of the most common Indoor Air quality products for residential homes. We are trying to gear this to answer the questions on the benefits that each product does provide, but also let you know how it might affect the Covid-19 disease and your chances of getting it. Can an Air Filtration System Protect from Covid-19? Ultimately no matter what filtration system you have, the only way it can filter out any virus is if you or somebody...

senior wearing an air filter mask

5 Common Household Products That Pollute Your Home’s Air

When we hear of pollution, rarely do we consider the air inside our own homes. That’s because pollutants such as greenhouse gases and pesticides are all lurking around outside. The scary truth is that studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. There’s more— the leading sources are coming from everyday household items that you’re likely to be using. Our pros at LEGACY are here...


Guide To Carbon Monoxide: How to Protect Yourself

Like most homeowners, you’re probably aware of the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning and may have taken measures to protect yourself, such as installing carbon monoxide detectors. Though we hear warnings about it often, you may still be unsure of what carbon monoxide is, why it’s dangerous and what else you can do to protect yourself. Fortunately, we’re here to give you a rundown of carbon monoxide poisoning detection and prevention tips so you can be sure you and your...


How To Improve Air Quality In Your Home

While air pollution is often thought of as an outdoor issue, we spend most of our time indoors, so it’s important to pay attention to the air quality inside your home. The air inside your home may be polluted with formaldehyde, dust, radon, fire-retardants and other chemicals that may be used in cleaning products, as well as pollutants that are tracked in from outside. Dust mites, mold and pet dander are also common allergens found in the home. Children, the...