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How To Save Money On Heating In Las Vegas

If you’re like the majority of Las Vegas homeowners, you want to keep your heating bills as low as possible. While it rarely freezes in Las Vegas, it is necessary to turn on your heating unit in the late fall and winter, and when you do so, you want to be sure you’re not spending too much money. Fortunately, saving money on your heating bills can be very easy, particularly if you choose the right tips and tricks. Here are...

little boy warming up by fire

Are You Overworking Your Heating Unit?

During the winter months, you rely on the heating unit in your home to help you and your family stay warm. However, although you may not realize it, your quest for your comfort may be overworking your heater, and if you don’t give your heating unit a break, you may cause serious damage that results in expensive repairs. Learning about a few ways that your heating unit is being overworked can help make sure that you’re preserving your heater for...

woman adjusting thermostat on wall

Benefits Of An Automated Thermostat

Adding smart features to your home can be a great decision, particularly if you’re interested in improving your convenience and potentially lowering your bills. Out of all the different features you could install in your home, an automated thermostat is one of the most beneficial. By allowing to more effectively and efficiently regulate the temperature in your home, a smart thermostat can drastically reduce your energy bills while also boosting your comfort level. Here are a few of the benefits...


7 Questions To Ask Before Hiring An HVAC Technician

While you might not know which questions to ask to determine what’s going on with your malfunctioning HVAC unit, you should know which questions to ask the HVAC technician who’ll be servicing your unit. The HVAC repair replacement pros of LEGACY are here with seven essential questions to ask before deciding on who will take care of you and your heating and cooling needs. 1. ARE YOU LICENSED, BONDED AND INSURED? You wouldn’t trust your healthcare needs to a physician who...

hand adjusting digital thermostat

Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Heating System

Your heating system is essential to your overall comfort while in your home or office, which makes it essential to know when it’s time to invest in a new system rather than keep wasting money on repairs. While your system might be working perfectly fine now, LEGACY believes it doesn’t hurt to be able to recognize the signs you should start looking for a replacement to keep you and your family or employees comfortable. YOUR SYSTEM NEEDS FREQUENT REPAIRS If you’ve...

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How To Keep Your Home Energy Efficient During The Cold Months

During the coldest months of the year, your heating and cooling system will be working overtime to help keep your home and family comfortable. In addition to putting strain on your system, this can also drastically increase your energy bills. However, just because the temperature has dropped doesn’t necessarily have to mean that you’ll pay higher energy costs, particularly if you take a few steps towards making your home more energy efficient. Here are a few winter home energy efficiency...

outdoor HVAC units

The Ultimate Fall/Winter HVAC Maintenance Checklist

As the winter season approaches, most homeowners are focused on getting their houses ready for the cooler months ahead. While every system in your home needs attention in the lead-up to the cold weather months, it’s crucial that you perform maintenance on your HVAC system. Fall and winter can be a very stressful time of year for your HVAC system, and if you don’t perform the right maintenance tasks, then you may have to deal with expensive repairs and outages...


Why Do I Have Hot And Cold Rooms In My House? How Can I Balance My Residential HVAC System?

There are several possible solutions to increasing the efficiency of your HVAC system and making the air distribution system work the way it was intended. As with all problems the solution isn’t always black and white and different solutions may work for different people. Unfortunately in Las Vegas the builder or their HVAC contractor does not look at the best way to run each home’s air distribution system independently. They will engineer a track home one time and will ignore...


How Often Should I Get A Furnace Inspection?

If you have never had your furnace inspected it might be time to get it done. Although furnaces don’t get the “fanfare” that A/C units get in a hot weather climate like Las Vegas, they are just as important to have inspected regularly (if not more important) than the A/C unit. The reason that furnace inspections are important even in Las Vegas where we don’t use them that much is because you are still dealing with natural gas and...


Our NATE Certified And Licensed Technicians Can Handle Any AC Repair

“We are keenly aware that there is great value in having an educated consumer, which is why we have developed this page. It will hopefully help the customer to better understand the different parts of an HVAC system, why they go bad or are inefficient, and why they need to be replaced.  We encourage you to be your own Best Advocate. Never be afraid to ask your technician to demonstrate for you why the part they say is bad,...