

man working on ac unit

Why You Need Annual AC Maintenance in Las Vegas

With a subtropical climate, Las Vegas has long and hot summers. During the months of summer, your house can feel like an oven during the day as temperatures rise. This is why a heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a crucial component in the house. Though HVAC systems are durable, they are still subject to wear and tear, which can reduce performance. As such, to protect your loved ones from the excessive heat and undue discomfort, it is...

covid 19

How Air Filters & Air Quality Products Effect Viruses like COVID-19

Below is a list of the most common Indoor Air quality products for residential homes. We are trying to gear this to answer the questions on the benefits that each product does provide, but also let you know how it might affect the Covid-19 disease and your chances of getting it. Can an Air Filtration System Protect from Covid-19? Ultimately no matter what filtration system you have, the only way it can filter out any virus is if you or somebody...

technician performing air duct cleaning

Is Duct Cleaning Necessary?

We've seen a lot of questions out there on air duct cleaning, wondering if the service is a scam or waste of money. We understand the skepticism because it requires enlisting professional help, which can be both timely and costly. We're here to put the rumors to rest and give you our honest answer. Air duct cleaning is not necessary on a regular basis like HVAC maintenance; however, we offer this service because there are times where it is...

senior wearing an air filter mask

5 Common Household Products That Pollute Your Home’s Air

When we hear of pollution, rarely do we consider the air inside our own homes. That’s because pollutants such as greenhouse gases and pesticides are all lurking around outside. The scary truth is that studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found that indoor levels of pollutants may be two to five times higher than outdoor levels. There’s more— the leading sources are coming from everyday household items that you’re likely to be using. Our pros at LEGACY are here...

hand adjusting a digital thermostat

5 Heating Mistakes That Are Costing You

Our coldest month is upon us, which means many of you are doing your due diligence to cut down on costs. After all, according to Energy Star, your heaters account for the largest part of your utility bill. But in your efforts to save, you may stumble upon misinformation that leads you astray. Has anyone told you that you can conserve energy by closing the doors to rooms that don’t need to be heated? Unfortunately, that’s wrong, along with a lot...

interior of furnace

6 Signs It’s Time for a New Furnace

Here in Las Vegas, we’re known for our bustling nightlife, top-notch entertainment, glamorous hotels, and our sweltering summers that reach the triple digits. The last thing you’re associating the city with is winter. But if you’ve been a resident long enough, you know that come December, the temperatures drop down low and a functioning heater is essential for staying warm. At LEGACY, your comfort is our top priority, and we’re focused on making sure you stay that way for the...

ice on exterior ac unit

What Causes an Air Conditioner to Freeze Up?

An air conditioner unit with freezing pipes doesn't necessarily mean the cold air is getting into the house. Several different culprits may be causing the freeze-up and inability to move cooled air into the home where it belongs. Find out more about how your AC system works and how to troubleshoot this common issue.   How Does an Air Conditioner Make Cold Air? It's helpful to know the general operating principles of an air conditioning unit, so you know the functions of...


Can I Mix Different Refrigerants?

You’re wondering if you can mix different refrigerants for your air conditioning system. The short-long-only answer is no, never. There are many reasons why it’s impractical, illegal, and not economical for a homeowner to mix refrigerant types. CFC-type refrigerants like R-22 – the most popular in the United States by far – are a single type of refrigerant. CFC stands for chlorofluorocarbons. These refrigerants contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. HCFC, a “replacement” refrigerant used in place of R-22, is also made up...

man sitting next to indoor ac unit

How To Use A Swamp Cooler

Evaporative cooling is one of the best possible ways to save electricity in the summer when temperatures rise to their peaks and your home AC just can’t keep up. Swamp Cooler is the popular name for an evaporative style cooling system. There are swamp coolers big enough to cool an entire home and portable swamp coolers that are perfect for cooling one room at a time. There are even entirely non-powered swamp coolers that you can take with you...

hvac systems

What Is The Difference Between Commercial And Residential HVAC System?

Regardless of whether summer is heating up your space or chilly weather has come around again, your comfort depends upon your HVAC system. It is important to understand the differences between commercial and residential HVAC systems in order to know what you should expect from each one. Here are seven main differences comparing the two. POWER Because commercial spaces tend to include a great deal more square footage as well as serving a greater number of people, their HVAC systems require more power than do...